miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2009


The most relevant things than I learned in the past term was about fisiology and animal welfare, because is really important to me lern about these items. My free times activities were cicling all the afternoons and weekends and take care about my horses, also I had a course about sports: Physical conditioning, in CAMPUS ANTUMAPU, two days at week, Tuesday and Thursday. The other important thing that I learn it was to organize my times to study,it really work to me.
The important challenge to me it was to take care and feed to my horses all the days at the same time I had to came to university and study for exams, quizes and prepare seminars and I say that it was an important challenge because my free time it was really short and I put stress on myself enough.
About my friends, it was really ok, I met new people and I did new friendships with thems. respect to the old ones, they continue by my side. And about my family it's all right, except for problems with my dad's health, he have pulmonary fibrosis and it dosen't have a cure, except for a pulmonary transplant, but in generally it was really normal and nice (about my home). Well, that's all!