I wrote about the first point, so... here we go!.
Being Chilean means to me, lamentably, not to be a person very proud to it be, because always, almost everyone feels shame of our roots because been "huaso" or Mapuche it is not very showy for us, the other make some jokes about ir or simply some they detest them for it. in the beginning our families all have ancestry Mapuche or Creole, so. Why it is shameful? I don't know, maybe to feign something that is not on other cultures, but it stupid, because we lost our identity, infact, I think we are one of the countries less proud of to be what we are. But, we have a date to been Chilean, September, is the only month of the year where we feel proud of our country, when we remember that we are and going to Fondas, dancing Cueca, play traditional games and a lot of things that remember to us our origins. September is the only month of the year where we can see all the houses our flags and enjoy all our traditions. Well, we must pruod of been Chilean because Chile is amazing country, with beautifull places to visit, our food it delicious and we are full of amazing people!.
sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009
Well, about the pre - transantiago's system I don't know very much actually, because I was not using it, but in my opinion the Transantiago's system is very disorganized and in that the people don't cooperate since they do not pay, the do not use the information to have a better and efficient trip and they complain little on the problems about that because this way it might come to a change mas concretly. But not everything is wrong, in the beginning it didn't have sufficient busses, the frequencies were not controlled efficiently and the bus stop were not finished or they were not put up signs well and now this problems almost are not seen. Also, an advantage of the new system is that one pays only the first time, then when transfer to the subway or to another bus you'll pay $0, is very good and economic system!. Also the drivers have a good trate with us, the students, because before they were very hostile with us and with the people who is not student, too. A change would I apply is the form of pay, because so many people dosen't pay because nobody say to them that, it is outrageous; another change would be to design a more complete system of exclusive routes and more subway's sations. Since we can see, it is not wrong after everything and as everything in this life it has solution!.
domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009
martes, 1 de septiembre de 2009

The country that I choose is Ireland, because it have, for me, the most amazing landescapes in the world. Also the music is fantastic, I like it so much, especially the melody of bagpipes, also I like the Celta music and the culture of these peoples. Well, Ireland is an island in the north-west of continental Europe and to the east, separated by the Irish Sea, is the island of Great Britain. The castles are a verry interesting attraction for the tourist people and for me, off course, like the Blarney Castle, it's so incredible. For this things I like this country to go of trip, to know new and incredible places, like the Killarney National Park where one finds the Lough Leane, it's beautiful.
Maybe work or study in this country would be a good option and would get pleased very much, especially for the climate because really like the cold and rainy climates. If I would to work to Ireland because the resources for the conservation of environment are higher and the investigations on the conservation are more abundant than in Chile and I will be able to do what I like, and obviously I'll do my best for the conservation of our planet. That’s all!
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