martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009


I think, than my faculty are the most leave aside of the all faculties of this university, for two reason, the first: for the ubication, because here, in La Pintana, are one of the places more marginal of Santiago; and the second reason is about of our career, because Veterinary is not a important career for the other people, like our Rector. So, then for this reasons the financing for us it isn't apropiate, though in the last time we all can see new facilities, like a school of equitation, new clasrooms or an air conditioning in there, but I think this isn't necesary or so necesary than a laboratories or a good library, because that is the worse things in here and need a change with urgency.
I think the only guilty of these problems is the State, because this university the only financing that recieves is for high university fee that we pay and that is not the idea of the a public university, because the the public state must we pay the improvings of our facilities and our education and I think the only solution of these problems are in hands of the State, its responsability and we can't do so much for it, because they don't bear us in mind.
Well, the instalations are important, but our academic performance it's not so dependent of the facilities, more than of our inteligence and capacities but if the people on the top cosiderer it as a improve in our professionalism and preformance as a profesional persons, we gonna be a excelents profesionals...

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Peter!

    You have reason, our effort and capacities are most important, but any improve is really welcome!!

    See you, take care!
