Since than I was a child, the orangutans, are my favorite animal. In fact, my dream was to go to Borneo or Sumatra, the only places where they live, for save them from the extinction caused for their cousins more nearby, the humans. I like the orangutans for their seemed one with us and for since we are reflected of an innocent, pure and primitive form, not similarly at all to what we are now. Well, something about them: the fruits are the most important food of the orangutans also eat leaves, insects, eggs, honey and anything what they can find in the trees, because almost they never go down the trees. The orangutans are the most similar, of the big apes and of any animal, genetically to us, even the age of maturity for females is approximately 12 years, like the human girls (as example). The number of this specie in wildness is limited, but the real population of this animals is unknown and frequently new populations are found, and recently, a new subspecie. In generall the orangutans are endangered according to the IUCN Red List of mammals, and are listed on Appendix I of CITES. Well, I hope that the orangutans coexist with us a lot of time more, because the felling forest, the mother's slaughter to sell their babies as pets are the factors that have stopped to the orangutan as one of the species most threatened in the world and their care and conservation of their habitat is our responsability, as neighbors, as humans, as apes.
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