sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009


I wrote about the first point, so... here we go!.
Being Chilean means to me, lamentably, not to be a person very proud to it be, because always, almost everyone feels shame of our roots because been "huaso" or Mapuche it is not very showy for us, the other make some jokes about ir or simply some they detest them for it. in the beginning our families all have ancestry Mapuche or Creole, so. Why it is shameful? I don't know, maybe to feign something that is not on other cultures, but it stupid, because we lost our identity, infact, I think we are one of the countries less proud of to be what we are. But, we have a date to been Chilean, September, is the only month of the year where we feel proud of our country, when we remember that we are and going to Fondas, dancing Cueca, play traditional games and a lot of things that remember to us our origins. September is the only month of the year where we can see all the houses our flags and enjoy all our traditions. Well, we must pruod of been Chilean because Chile is amazing country, with beautifull places to visit, our food it delicious and we are full of amazing people!.

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi pitier!
    i liked a lot your post!! so congratulations! :P

    bye bye!

  2. miss! i could not post in your blog so i will post you here hoping you read it:

    Hi miss! finally i could up my post of september but i could not do the same with the post of transantiago, because of that i up it in u-cursos last friday, so i hope you could review it there.


  3. Hi Peter!!

    I think that lost our identity or feel ashamed about our customes is really a disappointment..

    See you!

  4. I wrote about the first point, so... here we go!.
    Being Chilean means to me, WW lamentably, not to be a person very proud to WF it be, because always, almost everyone feels shame of our roots because been "huaso" or Mapuche it is not very ? showy for us, the other make some jokes about ir or simply some they detest them for it. in the beginning our families all have WO ancestry Mapuche or Creole, so. Why it is shameful? I don't know, maybe to SP feign something that is not on other cultures, but it ^ stupid, because we lost our identity, infact, I think we are one of the countries less proud of to be what we are. But, we have a date to been Chilean, September, is the only month of the year where we feel proud of our country, when we remember that we are and going to Fondas, dancing Cueca, play traditional games and a lot of things that remember to us our origins. September is the only month of the year where we can see all the houses our flags and enjoy all our traditions. Well, we must SP pruod of been Chilean because Chile is amazing country, with beautifull places to visit, our food it delicious and we are full of amazing people!.

    I think you only need to be more cohesive. This is when you present an idea, you explain it and then support it with examples. Some ideas are not very clear in here or well developed.


    you got a 5

  5. I wrote about the first point, so... here we go!.
    Being Chilean means to me, unfortunately, not to be a person very proud to be, because always, almost everyone feels shame of our roots because been "huaso" or Mapuche it is not very ? showy for us, the other make some jokes about ir or simply some they detest them for it. In the beginning all the ancestors of our families are Mapuche or Creole, so. Why it is shameful? I don't know, maybe to beign something that is not on other cultures, but it's stupid, because we lost our identity, infact, I think we are one of the countries less proud of to be what we are. But, we have a date to been Chilean, September, is the only month of the year where we feel proud of our country, when we remember that we are and going to Fondas, dancing Cueca, play traditional games and a lot of things that remember to us our origins. September is the only month of the year where we can see all the houses with our flag and enjoy all our traditions. Well, we must proud of been Chilean because Chile is amazing country, with beautifull places to visit, our food it delicious and we are full of amazing people!.
