sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009


Well, about the pre - transantiago's system I don't know very much actually, because I was not using it, but in my opinion the Transantiago's system is very disorganized and in that the people don't cooperate since they do not pay, the do not use the information to have a better and efficient trip and they complain little on the problems about that because this way it might come to a change mas concretly. But not everything is wrong, in the beginning it didn't have sufficient busses, the frequencies were not controlled efficiently and the bus stop were not finished or they were not put up signs well and now this problems almost are not seen. Also, an advantage of the new system is that one pays only the first time, then when transfer to the subway or to another bus you'll pay $0, is very good and economic system!. Also the drivers have a good trate with us, the students, because before they were very hostile with us and with the people who is not student, too. A change would I apply is the form of pay, because so many people dosen't pay because nobody say to them that, it is outrageous; another change would be to design a more complete system of exclusive routes and more subway's sations. Since we can see, it is not wrong after everything and as everything in this life it has solution!.

2 comentarios:

  1. Well, about the pre - transantiago's system I don't know very much actually, because I was not using it, but in my opinion the Transantiago's system is very disorganized and in that the people don't cooperate since they do not pay, the do not use the information to have a better and efficient trip and they complain little on the problems about that because this way it might come to a change mas concretly. But not everything is wrong, in the beginning it didn't have sufficient busses, the frequencies were not controlled efficiently and the bus WF stop were not finished or they were not put up signs well and now this problems almost are not seen. Also, an advantage of the new system is that one pays only the first time, then when transfer to the subway or to another bus you'll pay $0, is very good and economic system!. Also the drivers have a good trate with us, the students, because before they were very hostile with us and with the people who is not student, too. A change would I apply is the form of pay, because so many people SVA dosen't pay because nobody SVA say to them that, it is outrageous; another change would be to design a more complete system of exclusive routes and more subway's sations. Since we can see, it is not wrong after everything and as everything in this life it has solution!.

    In this case I only can say you need to order and give cohesion to your writing.
    check it and let me know
    p.s. you got a 5

  2. Well, about the pre - transantiago's system I don't know very much actually, because I was not using it, but in my opinion the Transantiago's system is very disorganized and in that the people don't cooperate since they do not pay, the do not use the information to have a better and efficient trip and they complain little on the problems about that because this way it might come to a change mas concretly. But not everything is wrong, in the beginning it didn't have sufficient busses, the frequencies were not controlled efficiently and the buses stop were not finished or they were not put up signs well and now this problems almost are not seen. Also, an advantage of the new system is that one pays only the first time, then when transfer to the subway or to another bus you'll pay $0, is very good and economic system!. Also the drivers have a good trate with us, the students, because before they were very hostile with us and with the people who is not student, too. A change would I apply is the form of pay, because so many people don't pay because nobody says to them that, it is outrageous; another change would be to design a more complete system of exclusive routes and more subway's sations. Since we can see, it is not wrong after everything and as everything in this life it has solution!.
