The chanllenges in my discipline, the veterinary in wild animals, had a lot of challenges, like we don't count with the resources to get the apropiate technology and it's the most important problem and a deficience in this area, because we do not will work in apropiete way and the results will not be the expected ones. It doesn't imply a social matters, but for it, it dosen't have any importance for so much people, and the only alternative to have more atention is the education about these items, because the people when they know, they do something. But the education, the most of times, is not taken into account and it is another chanllege to us, be creative for the childrens and grown people, generally we have to use the emotions to catch they atention and do something concret.
Well, in the beginning I wrote that this didn't have relevants socials matters but if we think it a bit, we can see than if the nature are in danger for us, we are in danger for nature, because all the things in this planet are depends of balance, and we don't respect this balance, so this job, it not only includes the ecologist people but also the other pleople in the world, because we all live in this planet and is our duty to save and care it of us themselves.
Well, in the beginning I wrote that this didn't have relevants socials matters but if we think it a bit, we can see than if the nature are in danger for us, we are in danger for nature, because all the things in this planet are depends of balance, and we don't respect this balance, so this job, it not only includes the ecologist people but also the other pleople in the world, because we all live in this planet and is our duty to save and care it of us themselves.