martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009


The chanllenges in my discipline, the veterinary in wild animals, had a lot of challenges, like we don't count with the resources to get the apropiate technology and it's the most important problem and a deficience in this area, because we do not will work in apropiete way and the results will not be the expected ones. It doesn't imply a social matters, but for it, it dosen't have any importance for so much people, and the only alternative to have more atention is the education about these items, because the people when they know, they do something. But the education, the most of times, is not taken into account and it is another chanllege to us, be creative for the childrens and grown people, generally we have to use the emotions to catch they atention and do something concret.
Well, in the beginning I wrote that this didn't have relevants socials matters but if we think it a bit, we can see than if the nature are in danger for us, we are in danger for nature, because all the things in this planet are depends of balance, and we don't respect this balance, so this job, it not only includes the ecologist people but also the other pleople in the world, because we all live in this planet and is our duty to save and care it of us themselves.


I think, than my faculty are the most leave aside of the all faculties of this university, for two reason, the first: for the ubication, because here, in La Pintana, are one of the places more marginal of Santiago; and the second reason is about of our career, because Veterinary is not a important career for the other people, like our Rector. So, then for this reasons the financing for us it isn't apropiate, though in the last time we all can see new facilities, like a school of equitation, new clasrooms or an air conditioning in there, but I think this isn't necesary or so necesary than a laboratories or a good library, because that is the worse things in here and need a change with urgency.
I think the only guilty of these problems is the State, because this university the only financing that recieves is for high university fee that we pay and that is not the idea of the a public university, because the the public state must we pay the improvings of our facilities and our education and I think the only solution of these problems are in hands of the State, its responsability and we can't do so much for it, because they don't bear us in mind.
Well, the instalations are important, but our academic performance it's not so dependent of the facilities, more than of our inteligence and capacities but if the people on the top cosiderer it as a improve in our professionalism and preformance as a profesional persons, we gonna be a excelents profesionals...

martes, 20 de octubre de 2009

My favorite animal: Orangutans

Since than I was a child, the orangutans, are my favorite animal. In fact, my dream was to go to Borneo or Sumatra, the only places where they live, for save them from the extinction caused for their cousins more nearby, the humans. I like the orangutans for their seemed one with us and for since we are reflected of an innocent, pure and primitive form, not similarly at all to what we are now. Well, something about them: the fruits are the most important food of the orangutans also eat leaves, insects, eggs, honey and anything what they can find in the trees, because almost they never go down the trees. The orangutans are the most similar, of the big apes and of any animal, genetically to us, even the age of maturity for females is approximately 12 years, like the human girls (as example). The number of this specie in wildness is limited, but the real population of this animals is unknown and frequently new populations are found, and recently, a new subspecie. In generall the orangutans are endangered according to the IUCN Red List of mammals, and are listed on Appendix I of CITES. Well, I hope that the orangutans coexist with us a lot of time more, because the felling forest, the mother's slaughter to sell their babies as pets are the factors that have stopped to the orangutan as one of the species most threatened in the world and their care and conservation of their habitat is our responsability, as neighbors, as humans, as apes.

miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2009


Well, generally I go to Santiago to go to the University, because I don't live there, I live in Cajon del Maipo, but it dosen't say that I know the city, so here we go... I think when a foreigner turist is in Santiago, the first place that he or she should visit is Cajon del Maipo, obiously, because it's a beautiful place, with a lots of things to do, like treks, rafting, camping, cavalcades and all this things with in contact whit the nature of our central valley also the tourist have a hotels, cabins o camping where to lodge, also have a very good restaurants. I think it's a good option because it is a different place to went in a big city as Santiago. In addition the tourist can arrive there in one hour or something like that.
Also the other wonderful place is the Viña Concha y Toro, in Pirque. This famous vineyard offers to the tourist a visit guided by his facilities and there they explain the whole process that it is necessary to do the wine and ultimately, obviously, it is looked. I think is a good option because the foreigners know our things and the production of it, is very interesting.
A very good place is the Bellavista Neighbourhood, where the foreigners have a lots of restaurants, pubs or places to have fun, I think that is a good place for foreigners because in there have the menus, for example, in english and other special things for them. Near of there are the Metropolitan Park where they can found the Zoo, the parks for to do some sports and the hill San Cristobal (well all this things are in there) and the "teleférico" y el "fonicular", in that one can raise the hill and have a very nice view of Santiago, well, if the smog allows it. And the last place than I think the tourist have to visit is the "Mercado Central", because there they can found the typical Chilean food, and a delicious food, like caldillo de mariscos, empanadas, cazuelas, Etc. If they visit this place they will be capable of seeing something more traditional of our country. I think that the latter place is the most Chilean of the five.

sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009


I wrote about the first point, so... here we go!.
Being Chilean means to me, lamentably, not to be a person very proud to it be, because always, almost everyone feels shame of our roots because been "huaso" or Mapuche it is not very showy for us, the other make some jokes about ir or simply some they detest them for it. in the beginning our families all have ancestry Mapuche or Creole, so. Why it is shameful? I don't know, maybe to feign something that is not on other cultures, but it stupid, because we lost our identity, infact, I think we are one of the countries less proud of to be what we are. But, we have a date to been Chilean, September, is the only month of the year where we feel proud of our country, when we remember that we are and going to Fondas, dancing Cueca, play traditional games and a lot of things that remember to us our origins. September is the only month of the year where we can see all the houses our flags and enjoy all our traditions. Well, we must pruod of been Chilean because Chile is amazing country, with beautifull places to visit, our food it delicious and we are full of amazing people!.


Well, about the pre - transantiago's system I don't know very much actually, because I was not using it, but in my opinion the Transantiago's system is very disorganized and in that the people don't cooperate since they do not pay, the do not use the information to have a better and efficient trip and they complain little on the problems about that because this way it might come to a change mas concretly. But not everything is wrong, in the beginning it didn't have sufficient busses, the frequencies were not controlled efficiently and the bus stop were not finished or they were not put up signs well and now this problems almost are not seen. Also, an advantage of the new system is that one pays only the first time, then when transfer to the subway or to another bus you'll pay $0, is very good and economic system!. Also the drivers have a good trate with us, the students, because before they were very hostile with us and with the people who is not student, too. A change would I apply is the form of pay, because so many people dosen't pay because nobody say to them that, it is outrageous; another change would be to design a more complete system of exclusive routes and more subway's sations. Since we can see, it is not wrong after everything and as everything in this life it has solution!.

domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2009